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Welcome to my World of Innovation! Immerse yourself in a captivating journey through my exceptional portfolio of Windows and web-based applications, where creativity and technology unite. Explore my transformative resume, engage on social media, delve into insightful blog posts, and uncover the essence of who I am on the "about me" page. Together, let's shape the future with boundless innovation. Welcome to a world where technology, artistry, and the extraordinary collide.

New Demo! Featuring WPF, C#, MVVM, Entity Framework, and MS SQL!

More Info and Screenshots on my portfolio page!

Microsoft .Net WPF Windows Application!

This cutting-edge Microsoft Windows software suite revolutionizes project management by automating numerous tasks for Project Managers. It seamlessly integrates with Snowflake, enabling automated SQL Queries without requiring the user to possess expertise in SQL (Structured Query Language). Furthermore, it effortlessly connects with SalesForce via the SalesForce API. Additionally, it harnesses the power of Microsoft Azure's Speech engine, empowering users to effortlessly dictate notes using their microphone instead of traditional typing. Moreover, it provides impeccable text-to-speech conversion utilizing high-quality neural voices through Microsoft's speech engine. Users can choose from a variety of voices and voice styles, including whispering, shouting, and more. The application also facilitates the saving of speech recordings as MP3 files. WPF App Screenshot Apart from these remarkable features, it boasts an array of built-in tools, such as a credit calculator and an Early Cancellation Fee Calculator. This application is a time-saving powerhouse, capable of auto-populating complex Excel documents and swiftly extracting data from PDF files via a simple drag and drop functionality.

Developed using the Microsoft .Net Framework and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), this application showcases a visually stunning, modern, and intuitive user interface. With its sleek design featuring rounded corners, drop-shadows, and other aesthetic elements, it provides a delightful user experience.

Create Professional Greetings - Text-To-Speech
Powered By Microsoft Azure Speech Engine

WPF App Screenshot

Why type, when you can just talk!? - Speech-To-Text
Powered by Microsoft Azure Speech Engine

WPF App Screenshot


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